Is Your Boiler Leaking? The Truth May Surprise You!

What do you imagine when you think of a boiler leak? You're probably picturing a disastrously large puddle of water under your boiler, a noticeable pressure drop, and a system that refuses to keep your home warm. While catastrophic leaks can occur, especially when smaller leaks go unaddressed for too long, they're far from the only issues that can develop.

Instead, many boiler leaks may begin much smaller and more subtly. These leaks can go unnoticed for weeks, months, or even longer. Recognizing the signs of a subtle leak can help you address it before the problem becomes more severe, allowing your boiler to remain efficient while avoiding larger future issues.

Why Do Boilers Leak?

Hydronic boilers can develop leaks over time like any other system that relies on containing a fluid. Exposure to water and oxygen can lead to corrosion issues, allowing the boiler to leak slowly. Other common sources include faulty valves, poor pipe fittings, or worn-out seals. While these problems can sometimes create noticeable leaks, they can also allow very small amounts of water to escape.

Not every leak means that your boiler is about to fail or your system requires substantial replacements. Instead, leaks may develop because of a single faulty component, poor initial installation, or exposure to unusual water conditions. However, ignoring a leak can sometimes result in more significant damage and costly repairs.

How Can You Spot Small Leaks?

When examining your boiler, there are a few likely locations where leaks can develop. Start by checking where pipes enter or exit your boiler. These fittings can develop issues over time, especially when poorly installed, creating small leaks. Since the pipes are hot, small amounts of water will often evaporate before you notice any dripping or puddles.

Since you can't just check for water, you'll want to look for chalky white spots. As the water evaporates, it can leave behind noticeable mineral deposits. If you aren't sure if these are recent, try cleaning them off and checking the same area in a few days or a week. Deposits appearing on the same fittings are a sure sign that you're losing small amounts of water.

The pressure relief valve is another common source of trouble. As with your boiler's pipes, check for signs of leakage where the valve enters the boiler. You can also look for evidence that the valve has been opening, although this usually produces a larger and more noticeable puddle. However, a faulty valve may dribble small amounts of water that are harder to notice.

If you find signs of leakage, it's a good idea to contact a heating professional as soon as possible. A leaking boiler will run less efficiently and, more critically, can lead to costly future repairs. Dealing with small leaks when you notice them will ensure your hydronic heating system runs safely, efficiently, and reliably.   

For more information about heating unit repairs, contact a local company. 
